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Around The World

Welcome to the group peeps & pervs. =D%. Hope you make an enjoyable room here with us and have fun in the process. This is a room intended to be fun. NO DRAMA will be tolerated.|-(d. Us adults love to have fun and this way we can get to know each other through posting. :D

1. NO DRAMA ( I despise it X() This is a Adult site not elementary school.

2. Make a post at least every 30 days (yes I realize we all have lives and family). If you are going to be away for an extended amount of time please inform us in a post. Otherwise we will think you dropped of the face of the

3. No post with rude remarks

4. Have Fun, Fun, Fun.B)

Ämnen(n): Öppna Förhållanden
Associerande Medlare: hotlips935

rm_Jamie29154 58M

Endast registrerade - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - medlemmar kan gå med i denna grupp. Klicka här för att registrera dig.

Ämnen i Around The World
Granska  Senaste | Aktiv

InläggFörfattareBesökKommentarerSenaste uppdatering
Funniest video I have seen in a long time
13  0  2010-03-22
Misplaced ingenuity
10  0  2010-02-21
8  0  2010-02-16
Discover our unrequited sexual desire
15  0  2010-02-02

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