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Hawkfan533333 34 M
8  frågor
First time with a couple - 2020-02-08

I have been approached couples, and it's definitely something I'm interested in. Was wondering if you have any advice on this topic, or if you have joined a couple, what was your experience

0 response(s), 0 votes
Hawkfan533333 34 M
8  frågor
Ex just got divorced - 2020-02-05

So I got engaged to this girl around 9 years ago, and I broke it off because I was 22, and decided I wasn't ready for that kind of commitment yet. So she ended up getting married a few years down

0 response(s), 0 votes
Hawkfan533333 34 M
8  frågor
Easier on here or in person? - 2020-02-04

Do you think its easier to carry on a conversation on here or in person? Its easier for me in person to carry on a conversation, and to let my personality show. I have a big personality in person, and

0 response(s), 0 votes
Hawkfan533333 34 M
8  frågor
Bi or gay male vs bi/gay female vs transgender. - 2020-02-03

Do you think bi or gay men, bi/gay female or transgender people, are viewed differently? Is it easier or generally more accepted to be a bi/gay male, bi/gay female, or transgender, or is it about equa

0 response(s), 0 votes
Hawkfan533333 34 M
8  frågor
Safety - 2020-02-01

Do you feel generally safe meeting strangers on here. Do you meet first or take precautions. Being a its something iv never even gave a thought to. I'd hate to think I'm heading over to meet

0 response(s), 0 votes
Hawkfan533333 34 M
8  frågor
For women - 2020-01-31

It seems like all men are pretty much game for meaningless sex with most any woman will have them if there is a physical attraction. Women can mssg a guy wana come over and fuck, and the awnser is m

0 response(s), 0 votes
Hawkfan533333 34 M
8  frågor
Why - 2020-01-16

Why do I get a ton of ppl from other states and countries constantly viewing my profile?

0 response(s), 0 votes
Hawkfan533333 34 M
8  frågor
Membership - 2020-01-16

Is it worth getting a membership on here, or shld I just stick with using my points?

0 response(s), 0 votes