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Svar i Rådgivningslinjen av SarahLem80 Lägg till en fråga

SarahLem80 40 K
4  frågor
When do you stop using a condom - 2020-04-15

When you’re seeing a guy semi regularly, at what point do you stop using a condom? I’m keen to know experiences of others

0 response(s), 0 votes
SarahLem80 40 K
4  frågor
First time - 2020-02-03

Who was the first person you cheated with? How did you know them? What did you do?

0 response(s), 0 votes
SarahLem80 40 K
4  frågor
First time - 2020-02-03

Who was the first person you cheated with? How did you know them? What did you do?

0 response(s), 0 votes
SarahLem80 40 K
4  frågor
First time - 2020-02-03

Who was the first person you cheated with? How did you know them? What did you do?

0 response(s), 0 votes