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Svar i Rådgivningslinjen av 757GuyRockin2020 Lägg till en fråga

757GuyRockin2020 36 M
2  frågor
Thick, thin, or both? - 2020-02-25

So do you like thin, thick, or both? Personally depends on who it is but I use to be all over bean poles but fell for curves because I am a breast man. What do you like?

0 response(s), 0 votes
757GuyRockin2020 36 M
2  frågor
Have you ever met at the gym? - 2020-02-25

Id love to meet someone at the gym but there is tons of gears in motion, distractions like headphones, and I am not sure on gym culture. Have you ever met someone in the gym? How do you do it?

0 response(s), 0 votes