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kensmith88 43 M
6  frågor
New members email - 2020-11-07

Do new members get free messages for a period of time?

1 response(s), 0 votes
kensmith88 43 M
6  frågor
Unread emails - 2020-08-14

I have 3 emails pending when I look to see unread it shows none , how do I find the unread messages? I have looked at the various emails that they be from refreshed the options in the email section

1 response(s), 0 votes
kensmith88 43 M
6  frågor
I’m audio and camera - 2019-06-27

Why is it now wanting to access your camera and mic if you try to chat if you click no it cancel it out

1 response(s), 0 votes
kensmith88 43 M
6  frågor
Chat spam virus - 2017-02-17

I have gotten from time to time multiple people messinging me from all over and the conversations don't make sense. Then I have started to get people messaging me saying I am doing that . Anyone know

1 response(s), 0 votes
kensmith88 43 M
6  frågor
Chat spam virus - 2017-02-17

I have gotten from time to time multiple people messinging me from all over and the conversations don't make sense. Then I have started to get people messaging me saying I am doing that . Anyone know

1 response(s), 0 votes
kensmith88 43 M
6  frågor
Asking for private email - 2016-10-19

I have seen an influx of very hot woman who are looking for loving things but when you contact them first or second thing they ask is for my email. Anyone else see this?

1 response(s), 0 votes